This chapter, you don't just get one email, oh no, you get two!!! Alexandra writes me twice and somehow, I missed one, so I replied twice as well!! What a great chapter!! Enjoy!!!
EMAIL #7 ---- First email of the day!!
(no photos included in this email!! Come back for next email for photos!!!)
Hello Jason! Your letter as usual makes my day. I am so glad you have time to write me emails. My daily life has changed! Now I believe that I definitely need to write you my answer and send you my photos! It's fun and interesting! Jason, I have a coffee break now, so I can write you an email. Today I have much to do, but can not leave you without an answer. I have a very busy schedule. I am working almost every day. The thing is that two of my colleagues are on sick leave. So I should work for them. We’re very united team. We always help each other. And of course if there is a need to replace a colleague, everyone will be ready to help. That’s why I love to work here and like my colleagues. I always know that everyone helps me if I ask. I think you know what the job of an accountant is? I want to briefly describe my work. My job is complicated. I need to keep financial and tax records, sometimes even need to be able to manage employees, accounting for income and expenses, to charge wages. We have to pass all the reports to the chief accountant.This is my job!)) And our shop "Sela" functionure very well. The store is always a lot of buyers. There are always expenses and incomes. Therefore, the work of an accountant loaded. Dear Jason, my parents always say that it feels like a silver lining there. My parents raised me right. They always say that first of all I should to look at a problem from the other hand, who knows may I am not right. Do you agree with them? You know I am a little bit happy that I have to work every day. I hope you understand why)), because I can write you)) We can email each other every day. This is very important to me. I mean to find your email every day. We know each other more and more, we become closer despite the thousands of kilometers between us. I got so much energy. I am ready to work non-stop, without days off. No surprise where my powers came from. It is you, my dear, Jason! You have awakened the feelings that I once hid deep in my soul. If you could see me now, you would see that I am shining with happiness ... You would probably smile too. Even my colleagues noticed that I’ve begun to look happier. But I don’t tell anyone about us. It is still just my secret. Happiness loves silence. Do you agree with me? Of course the day when I tell them comes. Have you told anyone about our communication? The only one reason to take a day off is my parents. I really miss them! I feel calm and good near them. I am going to take a day off and visit them. They also miss me very much. Every time I come, they ask me to visit them more often. I do understand them and use every chance to visit my mom and dad. It is a pity that I can do it on rare occasion.(( Jason, I think I will not be able to resist. I want to tell my mom about you.) I hope you don’t mind. I really want to share my happiness with my mother)) She is the closest and most loved person who I can talk on any topic with. She is always with me and I feel her support. If necessary, she always gives me an advice. I hope you do not mind))! Daddy does not like conversations like this. He calls this “girls’ talk.” He prefers kindly keep out of the conversation between me and mom. He always says that man should work hard, talk less. I completely agree with him. You can say a thousand words, talk about strong love, but don’t do anything real for your woman. I think there are many men like this. Unfortunately I also had a bitter experience. But for you I have a different opinion. I think that you are a good man, and you will be ready to go further to develop our acquaintance. So I like to share with you information about my daily life and my life in the past. We go forward, and this is the main thing. Every day we know more about each other. And it's nice! Jason, unfortunately I have to go to work. I finish writing. Looking forward to your reply! Have a nice day!
My second email but it fits more into this email ---
(My dream house!! With pool!!!)
My dearest Alexandra,
Somehow I missed this email earlier but I have a few moments, so today, you get two emails from me!! ~smile~ It has been busy here, I've got the usual bull insemination processes going on but also am busy in looking to buy a new house. It's in a section of town called Eagle Ridge, a nice place, some land. A dream house I've been wanting since I was a little kid.
I hope you tell your mother about me and us, I've told my grandmother, as I've told you before, as well as my cousin. He's jealous as he never gets such hawt babes writing him emails.
Anyways, I need to head out for a few more hours before I can settle down for the rest of the evening, again, hope your day has been wonderful,
EMAIL # 8 - SECOND EMAIL OF THE DAY!! This one includes photos --- Alexandra writes again!
(Alexandra at work #1 )
(Wardrobe change at work #2 )
(Wardrobe change at work #3)
Dear Jason, because of the fuss at work, I did forget to send you my pictures. I’ve just remembered)) I attached a few photos from my workplace!) I hope you like them! Every time I send you my photos, I'm feel shy a little bit))! I would like my photos and emails give you joy and make you smile. I imagine how you look at my photos and smile. Jason, have a nice day! I will think about you the rest of the day! Do you remember that we need to think and imagine our meeting together, so that it comes true one day)) Do not forget about it, please. I will wait for your reply.
My 1st email response but it fits more with this email. I got a bit confused that day!!!
My dearest Alexandra,
Never feel shy with your pictures, I love them and cherish each one. I smile at each and every email and photo you send! I think about you every day.
Hope you are having a most wonderful day,
And we continue on with this epic love story!! Until next chapter, FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE someone!!!
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